We crown ourselves

Royal Para Regiment

We're a friendly clan, at least WE think so! Emoticon with glasses

=RpR= is playing Hidden & Dangerous 2 CO-OPeration gamestyle. Teamplay and Fun are in the foreground, so there's no place for lone wolfs who want to do the job alone or score best. If you love H&D 2 like we do and you like to be part of our small family, simple play with us and in a little while we decide if you can join us or not. Don't call us, we call you. Applications of people we don't know before are getting rejected.

Maybe you see our tag in other games as well soon. So be prepared..

=RpR= Royal Para Regiment founded in Spring 2007 by Bill alias Spar†acuS.

Hidden &  Dangerous 2 Logo

We're coming from different places all around the world. Actually from Great Britain, Spain, Romania, Czech Repuplic, Poland, Chile, Hungary, Germany,United States, Egypt, Australia, Mongolia, Sweden and Croatia.

Be a part of us and join us right now! No skill, no obligations, just fun!


Our offical clan logo designed by -JCKET- =RpR= Logo

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