Q: The development of nuclear weaponry raised that very important question in scientist minds whether a scientist has an obligation to consider the ethical, moral philosophical consequences of his work. How do you feel about that today?
E. Teller: I don't think I've changed my mind about that a great deal. My strongest feeling is that it is a terrible mistake on the part of the scientists to take themselves too seriously. And there is somewhat less of a mistake, but still a mistake, from everybody else to take the scientists terribly seriously. I believe that a scientist has an extremely important job, and that is to make science. Nobody else can do it, it's a wonderful business... it is in a way what drives humanity forward, it is what unites humanity in the end for better or for worse, and it is the scientist alone who can do that. He has in hand a second resposibility, that is a little less basic, but very important, at least for some scientists to apply what they have found.