Good evening to everyone, and especially to the administrators of the RpR clan. My name is Andrija, I am 17 years old and I am studying computer science at the eighth Belgrade Gymnasium. I grew up in a family that had one computer that we all shared. I started playing games at the age of 7 and my father had a copy of Hidden and Dangerous 2 which was one of the first games I played. This is where my love for that game came from. As I grew up, I became more and more familiar with the world of the Internet and informatics. When I was 15 I discovered a forum where I found people who still talk and make mods for Hidden and Dangerous 2. Two years later I found out about your forum and I joined the discord group. There I discovered that I could, in some way, help make this game even more interesting. I think that my knowledge of computer science and love for this game can help everyone to make Hidden and Dangerous 2 better not only for us but maybe for some players who will get bored of multiplayer games. I totally want to spend my free time on something I love. I will do my best to do whatever I can and know to help my team at the engineering office. I want to be an RpR clan member because of all this and because I am a friendly guy and this is a nice community, so I think we will be a great team. Thank you for your time, Matke.